Welcome to the March newsletter!
Since its launch in December 2019 the Concurnas programming language has seen tremendous growth, in the press, in visits to the Concurnas website and in downloads of the language itself. In this issue we examine:
The latest Concurnas release broadens the scope of JDK compatibility to include all JDK versions from 8 through to 13 (the latest) inclusive. We also have the following enhancements:
x for x in "myString"
str[n ... y]
plus10 (int) int = def(a int) { a + 10 }; plus10.toString()//(java/lang/Integer) java/lang/Integer
Download the latest version with SDKMAN! or the Concurnas website.
Concurnas has recently seen an increased amount of attention from the press. Here is the summary of the latest coverage:
Since its launch in December 2019 the Concurnas programming language has seen tremendous growth. We observe this both in terms of traffic to the Concurnas website and downloads of the language itself from github.
Concurnas is an open source programming language, we are often asked how volunteers may contribute to the language. Here are the top areas of focus right now:
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